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"The sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus."

- Timothy 1:15

Did you know that the Bible is the bestselling book of all time?


Have you ever opened one or heard it read?

 In our modern world it can be hard to believe that a book so ancient could have anything to do with us today. We like to think that we have all the answers; but the message of the Bible shows how unsatisfying today's answers are.


The Bible is God’s message to the world, in two parts, the Old and the New Testament. The Old testament tells us about God’s good, original plan for the world, and for people that He loved and who served Him. It gives us heart-breaking accounts of their sin, and their failure to achieve anything that God wanted for them. It can be hard to accept this message of humanity's brokenness, and harder still to recognize that it represents us too.


But the Bible also gives us good news! There are whispers of it throughout the Old Testament, promises of someone who would come to solve all the problems of the world. The second part of the Bible makes these whispers plain. The New Testament is the story of the One - Jesus, who came to solve the problem of sin and to give a new and perfect way to reach God. In this -for those who believe in Him- he solves all the problems of our sin and failures! 


The writing that makes up the two testaments contains beautiful poetry, prophecy of future events and narrative history that makes the best adventure story seem dull. But the best part about this writing is that it is completely true. It was given straight from God to men, who recorded His words so that the world could know Him, and His heart.


"All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness."

2 Timothy 3:16.


Truth stands the test of time, and the truth found in the pages of God’s word is no exception. It can speak to us just as powerfully today, as it did to the ones who read it 2,000 or more years ago! We would challenge you to give it a try, here is a good place to start.

"Forever O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens." Psalm 119:89.

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